The banana diet consists of freely eating only bananas for breakfast, and then 15 to 30 minutes later, drinking room-temperature water or unsweetened tea. This diet was created in Japan in 2008 by a pharmacist who was also a preventative health specialist. This diet became very popular in Japan before spreading to other countries.
The morning banana diet can help with weight loss, as bananas are rich in fiber that help to keep you full. They are a great source of tryptophan and magnesium, which can also help to promote relaxation and a good mood.
Nonetheless, there are no scientific studies that prove this diet’s effect on weight loss. Therefore, if you wish to pursue a weight loss diet, you are advised to see a registered dietitian for a health assessment to determine your nutritional needs and develop and individualized diet plan.

Can this diet lead to weight loss?
Incorporating bananas into a healthy diet can help you lose weight because it is a fruit rich in fiber, which increases the time it takes to digest food. It can also keep you fulled, reducing hunger. However, this diet has no scientific evidence that proves its efficacy in weight loss, and therefore you are advised to consult a registered dietitian to achieve this goal. Learn more about the best foods to eat for a weight loss diet.
Bananas also stimulate the production of serotonin in the body, which is a hormone that improves mood and well-being. It also contains magnesium, a mineral that reduces anxiety and improves mood. Read more about whether bananas are good for you and the health benefits it can offer.
Rules for banana diet
Some recommendations for the morning banana diet for weight loss include:
- Eat just bananas in their natural state, in the quantity you desire.
- Chew the bananas well, to give you body time to signal feeling full to your brain. This will allow your stomach to know it’s full and prompt you to stop eating.
- Drink plenty of water throughout the day, as water can also fill your stomach and decrease hunger.
- Eat dinner early, eating at least 3 hours before going to bed and no later than 8:00pm.
- Maintain a balanced diet throughout the rest of the day, making sure to eat vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and legumes. The creator of this diet also recommends prioritizing Japanese food and rice.
- Ensure you get good sleep. Go to bed before midnight and sleep at least 7 hours per night.
- Wake up without an alarm and with ease. The alarm clock can be irritating to some people, and can promote anxiety and eating compulsions.
You should also engage in physical activity regularly, as it can contribute to overall wellness and weight loss. Check-out a list of the best exercises to lose weight that you can incorporate into your workout routine.
Banana diet meal plan
The following table outlines an example of a 3-day diet plan:
This meal plan is just an example, as diets can vary depending on preferences, healthy history and each person’s basal metabolic needs. Ideally, you should see a registered dietitian for a thorough evaluation and a more adequate nutritional plan that is based on your individual needs.
Also recommended: Banana Peel: How to Eat, 10 Benefits & Tasty Recipes to avoid
During the banana diet, you should avoid eating food that is high in sugar (like sweets, ice cream and soda) and high in fat (like fried food, crackers, pizza and fast food).
Other weight loss tips
In addition to the banana diet, there are other ways to lose weight in a healthy manner. Some recommendations include:
- Low carb diet: A low carb diet consists of reducing intake of food that is rich in carbohydrates and fat, which boosts metabolism and leads to weight loss.
- Regular exercise: Physical activity, like HIIT, weight-lifting and dancing helps to boost metabolism, leading to calorie burning and weight loss. Learn more about at-home exercises you can try.
- A healthy, balanced diet: You should opt for lean protein, whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables to keep you full and achieve weight loss. Read more about a weight loss diet and check out our recommended meal plan.
You should also increase your intake of thermogenic foods, like cinnamon, coffee, green tea and ginger, which boost your metabolism and burn more calories.