12 Cucumber Benefits (w/ Recipes & Nutrition Info)

Cucumbers benefits like promoting weight loss, maintaining hydration, and improving intestinal function can be achieved by consuming cucumbers regularly and incorporating them into your diet. Cucumbers are a nutritious vegetable that is low in calories, but high in water, mineral and antioxidant content.

Cucumbers are also beneficial for lowering blood pressure and reduce general inflammation. Eating cucumbers is recommended for the treatment of atherosclerosis, diabetes and hypertension. 

Other common benefits of cucumbers can be achieved by applying them directly on the skin to refresh and tone the skin. They can help to reduce redness, inflammation and irritation.

Slices of cucumber

Health benefits

Cucumber benefits include:

1. Promoting weight loss

Cucumbers are low in calories and rich in water and fiber. This can help to keep you full between meals for longer, which is why they are commonly added to weight loss diets. 

2. Preventing dehydration

Because it is made up of 95% water and because it is rich in electrolytes, cucumber can help to prevent dehydration from physical activity. This vegetable should be consumed in its natural form or added to a refreshing water with mint, for example. 

3. Preventing cancer

Cucumber contains great quantities of antioxidants of nutrients, like cucurbitacins, which contain anti-cancerous and antiproliferative properties, which interfere the with the growth of cancerous and pre-cancerous cells. 

4. Maintaining cardiovascular health

The fibers and antioxidants present in cucumbers can help to improve cardiovascular health. They promote fat burning, particularly triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. Regular consumption of cucumbers can help to prevent diseases like atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. 

5. Reducing blood pressure

Cucumbers contain great amounts of water, magnesium, and potassium. This can help to reduce blood pressure, as these components promote vasodilation and help to flush out excess sodium through the urine.

6. Managing diabetes

Cucumbers contain fiber and have a low glycemic index which can help to slow down the speed at which blood sugars rise in the blood. It contains cucurbita, which stimulates the release of insulin to regulate blood sugar levels and manage diabetes.

7. Reducing skin inflammation

Cucumbers that are applied directly to the skin have a refreshing effect that help to keep the skin revitalized. It can also soothe the skin and reduce swelling and irritation to relieve sun burns.

8. Helping to detox the body

Because it contains potassium, water and antioxidants, cucumber can help to detox the body and reduce fluid retention. It facilitates the elimination of  sodium and toxins through the urine. 

9. Improving digestion

Cucumbers act like an anti-inflammatory in the stomach and help to improve digestion. It can reduce acidity and the formation of gas along the digestive tract. 

10. Relieving constipation

Cucumbers contain great quantities of fiber and water, which can help to soften the stools and add bulk to them, They can promote regular bowel movements and improve constipation, ideally when consumed whole with the peel (which is where most of its fibers are found).

11. Improving bone health

Because it contains great amounts of vitamin K, cucumber helps to maintain healthy bones. Together with calcium, vitamin K is important for adequate bone development and maintenance, which is important for the prevention of diseases like osteoporosis. 

12. Treating hair and nails

Cucumbers contain silica, a mineral that helps to strengthen nails and hair, as it contributes to the growth and maintenance of connective tissue throughout the body. Connective tissue is made-up of collagen and elastin, and is responsible for keeping cells stable and fixed.

Cucumber properties

Cucumbers are low in calories (they contain just 15 calories for every 100 g) and is made-up of 95% water. It also contains great amounts of lignans, vitamin C, curcurbitacins, flavonoids, potassium and magnesium. It also has other oligoelements and minerals that boats antioxidant, diuretic, depurative, anti-cancerous, anti-inflammatory, emollient, and anti-diabetic properties.  

Nutritional information

The following table outlines the nutritional composition in 100 g of cucumber: 

Components 100 g of cucumber
Energy 15 calories
Carbohydrates 3.63 g
Protein 0.65 g
Fiber 0.5 g
Water 95.2 %
Calcium 16 mg
Magnesium 13 mg
Sodium 2 mg
Potassium 147 mg
Vitamin K 16.4 mcg
Carotenes 45 mcg

It is important to remember that to obtain the benefits of cucumbers mentioned above, they should be included in a healthy, active lifestyle. 

How to consume 

Cucumbers can be eaten raw in salads, juices and smoothies, or they can be pickled to preserve their duration. However, not everyone can easily digest cucumbers, and therefore they can be fully peeled to promote adequate digestion if needed. 

Cucumber recipes

Some recipes that can be prepared using cucumbers include: 

1. Cucumber water


  • 1 large cucumber or 2 small cucumbers
  • 1 liter of water
  • Mint leaves 

How to prepare

Wash the cucumbers and slice. Then add to a jar of water with the mint leaves. Allow to soak for about 1 hour in the fridge to guarantee optimal flavor.

2. Cucumber pickles


  • 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of grated ginger
  • 1 cucumber 

How to prepare

Mix the sugar, vinegar and ginger until the sugar has completely dissolved. Add the cucumber (sliced thinly with the peel) and soak for at least 2 hours in the fridge before serving. 

3. Cucumber detox juice


  • 2 apples, with peel
  • 1 medium cucumber
  • 3 mint leaves 

How to prepare:

Remove the seeds from the apples, then mix all ingredients in a blender. Drink cold, without sweetening. 

4. Cucumber salad


  • 4 lettuce leaves 
  • 1/2 a handful of watercress
  • 1 tomato, cubed
  • 1 boiled egg
  • 1 cucumber, cut into sticks or cubes
  • 1 grated carrot
  • Olive oil, vinegar, lemon and oregano to season 

How to prepare:

Cook the egg and cut the vegetables. Mix all ingredients together and season as desired. Serve fresh as a side for lunch or dinner. If desired, you can add pulled chicken or tuna and consume as a main meal.