Blood in phlegm is usually the result of prolonged coughing or dried airway, particularly when it is noted in young, healthy people. People who take anticoagulants may also notice some specks of blood in their phlegm.
However, blood in phlegm with other symptoms, like shortness of breath, fever, and green, yellow or frothy phlegm may be a sign of a more serious health condition, like a respiratory infection, bronchitis or pulmonary edema.
If you notice copious amounts of blood in your phlegm, if it lasts for over 3 days, or if you experience other symptoms, like difficulty breathing or wheezing, you should see a doctor or lung specialist for assessment possible treatment.

Why is there blood in my phlegm?
Blood in phlegm can be caused by:
1. Persistent coughing
Allergies, the flu and persistent coughing can all cause blood in phlegm that is coughed up. This occurs due to irritation in the respiratory airways, which can become cracked and lead to some blood mixed with phlegm. These conditions are usually temporary and not serious, and the blood resolves within a few days, when the coughing improves. Read more about what can cause a persistent cough and how to treat it.
What to do: You should try to soothe your coughing to avoid any further irritation. Some options include maintain hydration throughout the day, performing nasal irrigation to hydrate the mucous membranes, and taking a homemade cough syrup like propolis. Antihistamine medications, like loratadine, can also help.
You can also check-out these home remedies for coughs as a complement to your prescribed treatment.
2. Dried airways
Dried airways can affect the nose, larynx and pharynx and cause coughing up phlegm with blood. This dryness can be a result of a cold, flu or allergy, or as a result of persistent coughing or sneezing. It leads to irritation of the mucosa that lines the airways, leading to micro wounds and scant bleeding.
It is also possible that the airways can dry up as a result of a dry environment or temperatures. Dry rooms or climates and cause ruptures to the tiny vessels within the nose and throat, leading to phlegm with blood.
What to do: In these cases, it is important to drink plenty of fluids and to perform nasal irrigation to keep the airways hydrated. Anti-inflammatory medications can also help to relieve related symptoms.
3. Anticoagulant medications
People who use anticoagulants, like warfarin or heparin, are at a higher risk for bleeding in various parts of the body. These medications make the blood thinner, which can put the patient at a higher risk for bleeding in various areas of the body. Anticoagulants can cause irritation to the respiratory tract, and a mild allergy, for example, can cause scant amounts of bleeding when coughing up phlegm.
What to do: Small amounts of blood in phlegm are not a significant finding, however large amounts of blood should. be assessed by a doctor.
4. Cold and flu
A cold or flu virus can cause itching or irritation in the throat as well as a strong cough, both which can contribute to the rupture of small blood vessels in the upper respiratory tracts.
These infections can lead you to cough up phlegm with blood, which will present with other symptoms such as sneezing, a runny or blocked nose, sore throat, fever, and headache and body aches.
The cold and flu are caused by viral infections, such as influenza or rhinovirus, for example, which can enter through the nose and reach the lining of the throat, leading to throat irritation and inflammation.
What to do: Keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids and be sure to rest as much as possible.
Your doctor may prescribe medications like analgesics, anti-inflammatories or decongestant medications, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen or desloratadine, for example, to help relieve symptoms.
Also recommended: Cold vs Flu: Main Differences, How to Treat & Home Remedies Pneumonia
Pneumonia can lead to intense and bloody phlegm. It can be caused by a viral, bacterial or fungal infections or by the accidental aspiration or inhalation of drinks, food or vomit into the lungs.
Other symptoms include shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, rapid breathing, chest pain, loss of appetite and fever. Read more about the symptoms of pneumonia and how it can present.
Also recommended: Is Pneumonia Contagious? (What You Should Know) to do: You should consult a lung specialist to determine the underlying cause of pneumonia and then start the most appropriate treatment. Treatment may involve the use of antibiotics, antipyretics or oxygen therapy, depending on the severity.
6. Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis is a lung infection caused by Koch's bacillus bacteria which can cause persistent coughing and blood in the phlegm.
Other symptoms of tuberculosis include chest pain when coughing or breathing, difficulty breathing and a low-grade fever.
Also recommended: Is Tuberculosis Curable? Treatment Approaches & Guidelines to do: Treatment is guided by a ling specialist or infectious disease specialist using antibiotics, such as rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide and ethambutol, which are taken for several months. Learn more about tuberculosis treatment and the care instructions your doctor may advise.
7. Using nasal decongestants
Using nasal decongestants regularly or for several days can cause bloody phlegm, as these medications may cause irritation and dryness of the nasal mucosa. This makes the tissue in the airways more prone to bleeding.
What to do: It is important to use nasal decongestants only as prescribed for a doctor, and to use them during the recommended time. Instead of nasal decongestants, you can use saline solution three times per day to irrigate the nose throughout the day.
8. Allergic rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis is a condition that involves hyper-sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the nose. This lining becomes inflamed when it comes into contact with certain substances, such as dust, pollen or animal hair.
These substances trigger an allergic reaction, resulting in symptoms such as sneezing, a runny nose, bloody phlegm and an itchy nose.
What to do: it is important to avoid contact with allergy triggers if possible. The doctor may recommend the use of allergy medications, such as desloratadine or cetirizine, to manage more severe symptoms. Read more about the allergic rhinitis medications your doctor may prescribe.
You can also prepare natural treatments at home to manage symptoms, such as inhaling eucalyptus steam or drinking peppermint tea.
9. Dry weather or changes in atmospheric pressure
Dry, low-humidity weather, which is common in winter, or changes in atmospheric pressure that can occur when flying, climbing to high altitudes, or diving can cause also cause blood in the phlegm or nosebleeds.
This is because, in dry weather, the nasal mucus dries out, causing crusts or crack. This increases the likelihood of bleeding when the nose is rubbed, picked or blown.
In cases of atmospheric pressure changes, bleeding occurs due to irritation of the mucous lining of the nasal sinuses as a result of the intrasinusal pressures not matching the ambient pressure.
What to do: For dry weather, it is important to open the windows to keep the house airy or use a humidifier. Additionally, you should avoid activities that involves changes in pressure, like diving or hiking to high altitudes, if you have an upper respiratory infection or active allergic rhinitis.
Frequent nosebleeds can be treated prophylactically with medications prescribed by your doctor, such as oxymetazoline sprays, pseudoephedrine and topical intranasal glucocorticoids.
10. Sinusitis
Sinusitis is the inflammation of the lining of the paranasal sinuses and cavities in the face. This swelling is caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or allergies, and can cause symptoms such as nasal congestion, facial pain, runny nose and headache. See other symptoms of sinusitis.
Blood in the phlegm can also occur due to swelling and increased sensitivity of the mucous membranes that line the sinuses.
Also recommended: Chronic Sinusitis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Causes & Treatment to do: To relieve sinusitis symptoms, you can wash your nose with saline solution at least 3 times a day, and avoid being in closed spaces. Inhaling the steam during a shower can also be beneficial. Furthermore, the general practitioner or otorhinolaryngologist may recommend sinusitis medications, which can vary depending on the underlying cause of the sinusitis.
Check-out some natural ways to treat sinusitis at home using our simple tips.
11. Use of inhaled drugs or other irritants
The use of inhaled illicit drugs, such as cocaine or poppers, for example, or constant exposure to cleaning products or other chemical vapors can also lead to blood in the phlegm and nose bleeds.
Also recommended: Nose Bleeds: 8 Common Causes & What to Do occurs because inhaling these substances irritates the nasal lining, causing the blood vessels to contract and the mucosa to dry out. Touching the nose or blowing it can lead to easy rupture of the blood vessels, causing nose bleeds.
What to do: It is important to stop using drugs, and to move away from any environments with chemicals in the air that can be inhaled. You should avoid blowing your nose or handling it forcefully, as this can worsen bleeding.
If you experience a nose bleed, tilt your head forward and apply pressure to the soft tissue of your nose with your fingers for 10 to 15 minutes. If the bleeding does not stop after this time, go to the nearest emergency room.
12. After nasal surgery
During the postoperative period of nasal surgery, bloody phlegm can occur due to several factors, such as irritation of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses from surgical interventions or swelling. This can cause nasal congestion and hinder normal mucus drainage, contributing for the presence of blood in the phlegm.
Additionally, the presence of clots, which can form during healing, when mixed with phlegm, makes the phlegm appear bloody.
What to do: It's important to follow post-surgical care as instructed by your surgeon. He or she may prescribe nasal sprays or other medications to reduce swelling, and may show you the proper way to clean your nose, which usually is with saline solutions.
In addition, it is important to avoid blowing forcefully or handling your nose roughly, avoiding lifting weights or blowing forcefully, and trying to keep your head elevated by using pillows or tilting your torso slightly upwards, to help reduce nasal congestion and the bleeding. It is also important to drink plenty of water to keep the mucous membranes hydrated and prevent nasal dryness.
13. Bronchiectasis
Bronchiectasis is a chronic condition that is associated with permanent dilation of the bronchi. This can lead to excessive phlegm production, as well as frequent shortness of breath. The presence of blood in the phlegm is also a common finding.
This condition does not have a cure, however treatment prescribed by a lung specialist can help relieve symptoms during flare-ups.
What to do: Bronchiectasis should always be diagnosed by a doctor so that appropriate treatment can be prescribed. If you suspect you may have this condition, see a lung specialist for further examination with a chest x-ray and a thorough lung auscultation.
14. Bronchitis
Bronchitis can also be associated with blood in phlegm. This condition is characterized by recurrent bronchial inflammation, which increases airway irritation and risk for bleeding.
Phlegm from bronchitis is usually white or slightly yellow, although some strings of blood can also be noted. Other symptoms include wheezing, frequent fatigue and shortness of breath.
What to do: Many times, rest and adequate hydration are sufficient for relieving bronchitis symptoms, However, if symptoms persist or if breathing worsens, you should seek medical assessment, as you may need IV medication. People who have chronic bronchitis are usually followed by a lung specialist, who will typically prescribe bronchitis medication to manage symptom flare-ups.
Also recommended: 10 Home Remedies for Bronchitis (Natural Recipes to Try) Pulmonary edema
Pulmonary edema occurs when fluid accumulates inside the lungs. It is common in people with heart problems, like congestive heart failure, in which the blood is not adequately pumped to the rest of the body and starts to accumulate in small blood vessels in the lungs.
In these cases, phlegm is often red or pink in color, and looks likely foamy. Other symptoms of pulmonary edema include difficulty breathing, blue lips or fingers, chest pain and increased heart rate.
What to do: Pulmonary edema is considered a medical emergency. If you have a history of cardiac disease and suspect changes to your lung functioning, you should proceed immediately to the emergency room to confirm a diagnosis and start prompt treatment. Many times, hospital admission for treatment is advised.
16. COPD exacerbation
COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is an inflammatory condition of the lungs caused by respiratory diseases, such as chronic bronchitis or pulmonary emphysema.
These conditions are characterized by narrowing of the the bronchi or bronchioles, making airflow and breathing difficult.
COPD can be managed, but flare-ups and worsening of symptoms may be triggered by other conditions, like bacterial pneumonia. Flare-ups are associated with symptoms such as coughing up thick green phlegm or phlegm with blood, as well as rapid and labored breathing, wheezing, fever, excessive fatigue and swelling in the legs or ankles.
What to do: You should follow the treatment prescribed by your doctor or lung specialist. This may involve antibiotics, bronchodilators or corticosteroids.
17. Lung cancer
Lung cancer is a more rare condition, but it can cause phlegm with blood. This type of cancer is most commonly seen in people over the age of 40 and in people who smoke.
Other symptoms of lung cancer include persistent coughing that does not improve, weight loss, hoarseness, back pain and extreme fatigue.
What to do: If you suspect cancer, especially if you have risk factors for cancer, you should see a lung specialist to complete thorough testing and confirm a diagnosis. Generally, the earlier cancer if caught, the better the rate of cure.
18. Mitral stenosis
Mitral stenosis is the narrowing of the mitral valve opening in the heart. It can cause symptoms such as shortness of breath when lying down, palpitations, fatigue or weakness when exercising.
This condition can also cause intense coughing, triggered by the shortness of breath, leading to ruptures blood vessels and bloody phlegm.
What to do: You should follow treatment as prescribed by your cardiologist, which may involve medications to relieve symptoms or surgery to repair the valve.
19. Pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary embolism occurs when an embolus or clot, caused by deep vein thrombosis, breaks away from a blood vessel in the leg and reaches the lung.
This can lead to reduced circulation and even a full blockage, which causes intense coughing, chest pain, shortness of breath, and phlegm with blood.
What to do: If you notice symptoms of a pulmonary embolism, you should proceed to the nearest emergency room for treatment. This condition can be treated with anticoagulants, thrombolytics, the placement of an inferior vena cava filter or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) therapy.
20. Congestive heart failure
Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a heart condition associated with difficulty in pumping blood properly.
This can result in fluid accumulation in the lungs or pulmonary edema, causing symptoms such as constant coughing, bloody phlegm and difficulty breathing.
What to do: Treatment is guided by a cardiologist who may prescribe medication, dietary changes or even a heart transplant.
When to see the doctor
You should consult your family doctor or a lung specialist if you persistently notice blood in phlegm.
Urgent medical attention is advised if you experience any of the following:
- Blood in phlegm that does not improve after 3 days
- Large amounts of blood in the phlegm
- Other symptoms, like high-grade fever, extreme difficulty breathing, pale skin, or blue fingers or lips
In the presence of these symptoms, the doctor may order testing like a chest x-ray, spirometry or a CT scan.