COVID-19, which is short for the coronavirus-19 is a respiratory infection caused by a SARS-CoV-2 virus. It causes symptoms like a dry cough, fever, loss of smell or taste, muscle pain and runny or stuffy nose.
COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through droplets that are suspended in the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. it can also be transmitted indirectly, after coming in contact with surfaces or objects that are contaminated with COVID-19 droplets.
Most cases resolve with just symptom management at home (e.g. treating a fever with acetaminophen, or resting to relieve a headache), however hospitalization may be required for those who develop more serious symptoms, like shortness of breath or altered level of consciousness. There are also newly available antiviral medications, like Paxlovid, to treat COVID-19 in those who are most at-risk or who are severely ill.

Common symptoms
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are:
- Persistent dry cough
- Fever
- Sore throat
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Loss of smell or taste
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Diarrhea
A person with COVID-19 may also experience muscle pain and, in some cases, changes in the fingers and toes, popularly known as "covid toes." This condition is characterized by painless or painful lesions, itching, swelling, the appearance of blisters and rough skin with a red or purple color.
Symptoms of COVID-19 can also vary depending on the variant of the virus contracted. The Delta and Arcturus variants, for example, may cause a fever in some patients, while the Omicron variant may not.
COVID-19 symptoms in children
In addition to the above symptoms, children with COVID-19 may also become dehydrated due to fluid loss through sweat or diarrhea. It is essential to have the child assessed by a doctor if they present with symptoms such as sunken eyes, decreased urine volume, dry mouth, irritability and crying without tears.
A child with COVID-19 may also present develop multisystem inflammatory syndrome, a complication of COVID-19 that causes inflammation of the blood vessels of some organs such as the heart, skin, lungs, kidneys or brain. It can cause difficulty breathing, conjunctivitis, diarrhea, abdominal pain, spots on the skin and fever.
This manifestation of the disease in children can progress quickly and may require hospitalization.
COVID-19 in pregnancy
Most women who have COVID-19 during pregnancy do not develop complications, and will usually present with mild symptoms.
However, pregnant women who are infected with COVID-19 during the third trimester of pregnancy or who have a health problem, are overweight or are 35 years of age or older may experience more intense symptoms. They are also at a greater risk for premature birth and clot formations.
Online symptoms checker
Assess your risk for COVID-19 by entering your symptoms below
COVID-19 transmission
Transmission occurs mainly through inhalation of droplets that are spread in the air from coughing or sneezing. This is called airborne or droplet transmission.
It is also possible to contract COVID-19 from touching contaminated objects and then touching your face (especially the eyes, nose and mouth). This is called indirect contact transmission.
People are most likely to transmit the virus to others in the two days prior to symptoms appearing and in the three days following onset.
Confirming a diagnosis
To diagnose COVID-19, you should be assessed by a health care provider who will evaluate your symptoms and complete a respiratory assessment. To confirm the virus, further lab testing is needed.
There are many ways that COVID-19 can be tested, however the 3 most commonly used tests are:
1. PCR test
This is the gold standard for confirming the presence of COVID-19 due to its accuracy. A swab is inserted deep into the nostril to collect upper airway secretions, and is then sent to the lab to isolate virus cells. If virus cells are noted in the specimen, then this is considered to be a positive result.
PCR testing in Canada is limited to certain populations (e.g. healthcare workers, older adults, and immunocompromised patients, among others) due to short testing supply and high demand from increasing virus prevalence. In the US, PCR testing is available to anyone with symptoms through private labs (ie. paying out of pocket), but can be covered through health insurance with a prescription from a health care provider.
2. Rapid-Antigen Test
Similar to the PCR, this test also involves the collection of respiratory secretions with a nasal swab deep within the nostril, however the specimen is mixed on the spot with a solution and then placed on a testing cassette. It provides results within 15 minutes and can be completed at home.
This test is usually recommended for people who do not have symptoms and want to check their health status for many reasons (e.g. due a possible recent exposure, prior to a social event, etc.). However, due to short global supply and testing capacity of the PCR test, many countries, like Canada and the UK, have opted to use rapid-antigen testing as a basis for diagnosis, no longer requiring PCR testing for confirmation.
Rapid-antigen testing is available for purchase at select pharmacies and supermarkets, but can be available free-of-charge through government programs.
Also recommended: COVID Rapid Test: Antigen & Antibody Tests (& How to Perform) Antibody testing
With this type of test, a blood specimen is collected and analyzed in the lab to detect COVID-19 antibodies. While this test does not confirm a current or active infection, it is beneficial for knowing whether the person has contracted the virus in the past, or if they are immune to it.
Treatment options
Treatment for COVID-19 varies depending on the symptoms and intensity of the infection. The doctor may advise medication, healthy eating and, in some cases, hospitalization.
1. Medicine for COVID-19
Symptoms of mild COVID-19 can be managed with medications like acetaminophen and ibuprofen. These can be taken to relieve pain, fever, headache and general malaise.
The antibodies tocilizumab and sotrovimab, and the antiviral remdesevir, are medicines that are indicated for the treatment of people with mild, moderate or severe cases of COVID-19, and are administered only in a hospital setting.
2. Diet
When treating COVID-19, it is important to maintain a diet that is healthy and natural. You should opt for protein (like meat, fish, eggs or dairy products) as well as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and tubers. These foods can help promote optimal bodily functioning and boost immunity.
Also recommended: Immune System Boosters: Foods, Natural Remedies & Recipes is also important to drink 1.5 to 3 liters of fluids per day, through water, natural teas and coconut water. This also helps to ensure adequate immune system function and prevent dehydration.
3. Hospitalization
Hospitalization, with oxygen and IV medications may be advised for severe cases of COVID-19 that are associated with pneumonia and other serious complications.
People with difficulty breathing or are experiencing lung failure may require transfer to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to ensure close monitoring and oxygen support as needed.
Isolation rules
Although isolation is no longer mandated, public health authorities continue to stress the importance of isolation to prevent further transmission when a diagnosis is confirmed. In the USA, the CDC has advised that, regardless of vaccination status, 5 days of isolation is advised for those who have tested positive, although isolation should only be terminated on the 5th day if symptoms have resolved. If symptoms persist after the 5 days, isolation should continue for 10 days.
In Canada, isolation guidelines are outlined by the provincial government, with each province and territory mandating their own laws and regulations based on their population needs. In Ontario, for example, those who have tested positive for the coronavirus are generally advised to isolate until symptoms have been improving for at least 24 hours. Meeting with higher-risk groups (like older adults or people with chronic respiratory diseases) should be avoided for at least 10 days after initial symptoms.
In the UK, those who test positive for COVID-19 are advised to isolate for 5 days, with the first day of symptoms counting as day 1. Isolation can terminate after 5 days if symptoms have improved and a rapid test shows a negative result.
Possible complications
The possible complications of COVID-19 are severe acute respiratory failure, high risk of thrombosis, heart and other organ failure and, in some cases, death.
Furthermore, another possible complication of COVID-19 is long COVID, a condition where the person no longer infected, but continues to experience symptoms or problems associated with the infection over 3 months later. Some prolonged symptoms include excessive tiredness, muscle aches, persistent cough and shortness of breath. Learn more about long covid and its long-term effects.
Preventing COVID-19
Although it is highly contagious, it is possible to decrease the risk of contracting COVID-19 by adopting certain behaviors. These include:
- Be up-to-date with your COVID-19 vaccine.
- Socially distance yourself from others, especially in crowded areas with close contact. You should maintain at least a 1 meter (or 3 foot) distance from others.
- If social distancing is not possible, wear a mask.
- Only participate in social events that are in well-ventilated areas (ie. outside is best) and where social distancing is possible.
- Perform frequent hand hygiene by using alcohol-based sanitizer or washing your hands for 20-30 seconds in warm water and soap.
- Make sure you cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing with a tissue or your bent elbow.
It is important to remember that when you do cough or sneeze into a tissue, you should dispose immediately of the tissue and perform immediate hand hygiene.