Cracked lip corners are characterized by sores or irritated skin in the the corners of the mouth where the upper and lower lips meet.
It is can be caused by the overgrowth of fungi or bacteria in the area, or it can happen from habits like constantly licking your lips. These sores can affect only one side of the mouth or both sides, and can lead to symptoms like pain, redness, skin peeling and difficulty when eating or opening the mouth.
Cracked lip corners caused by an infection can be transmitted to other people through kissing or through using the same cup or cutlery, for example. Treatment for skin infections typically includes the use of an antibiotic or antifungal medication.

How to heal
The main way to heal cracked lip corners is keeping the affected skin clean and dry to prevent saliva buildup. However, very irritated skin should be assessed by a doctor for more targeted treatment. The doctor may prescribe healing ointments or creams to stimulate skin cell regrowth, as well as antibiotics or antifungal medication to clear-up any infections in the area.
To promote quicker healing, you should try to consume food and drinks that stimulate healing boost immunity like yogurt or orange juice. Salty and acidic foods should be avoided in the meantime to protect the area and prevent any pain and discomfort.
Angular chelilitis is a chronic condition in which the lip corners develop persistent sores. With this condition, there may be periods when it is better and others when it gets worse again, and treatment can take between 1-3 weeks.
Common symptoms
The main symptoms of cracked lip corners include:
- Pain when opening the mouth, speaking or eating
- Burning sensation
- Increased sensitivity in the corner of the mouth
- Dry skin
- Redness in the corner of the mouth
- Crust in the corner of the mouth
- Small cracks in the corner of the mouth
These wounds cause a lot of discomfort and sensitivity when eating or drinking very salty, acidic or sugary foods.
Common causes
Many people experience cracked lip corners. Its main contributor is persistently wet lips and mouth corners. This can be the case in babies who use pacifiers, for example, or people who use dentures or braces. However, people who frequently use corticoid inhalers may also notice dryer lip corners. Having persistently dry lips may also be a factor, and is having a history of dermatitis in other parts of the body.
This problem occurs more frequently when the immune system is weakened, as in patients with AIDS or diabetes. In some cases, cracked lip corners may be a sign of oral thrush, which must be treated.