Demerara Sugar: Health Facts & Myths

Demerara sugar is a type of sugar extracted from sugarcane that contains minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium. For this reason, it is considered healthier than other types of sugar like granulated sugar and white sugar. 

Like other sweeteners, demerara sugar is a high glycemic food that should be consumed in moderation. High glycemic foods are those that rapidly increase blood sugar and can increase the risk for developing new or worsening diabetes.

Demerara sugar has a firm texture and larger crystals, with a flavor similar to caramel. It can be used to sweeten beverages like coffee and juice, or in recipes for cakes, candy, and jam.

A spoonful of demerara sugar

Is demerara sugar healthy?

While demerara sugar does contain important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous, it also contains sucrose, a type of carbohydrate that is absorbed rapidly by the body, causing an increase in blood sugar that can lead to insuline resistance and diabetes.

Excessive consumption of demerara sugar can also lead to cellular inflammation, increasing the risk for cardiovascular disease including heart attack, stroke, and atherosclerosis.

Like any type of sugar, demerara sugar is a high glycemic food that facilitates the production of inflammatory compounds called advanced glycation end products (AGEs) that can lead to wrinkles and sagging skin. AGEs are produced when we ingest large amounts of high glycemic foods, such as white bread, sugar, ice cream, or cakes. 

Also recommended: Top 10 Natural Sweeteners to Substitute Sugar

Health benefits - facts vs. myths

Some facts and myths related to the benefits of demerara sugar include:

1. Eating demerara sugar will make me healthier

Fact: demerara sugar is less processed than other types of sugar, and is therefore considered a healthier option when compared to granulated or refined sugar.

Myth: while demerara sugar does contain more minerals than other types of sugar, it should not be consumed in large quantities. Demerara sugar is high in calories and low in nutritional value, promoting weight gain and increasing the risk for diseases like obesity, diabetes, and fatty liver disease.

2. Demerara sugar helps control blood pressure

Fact: minerals such as potassium and magnesium help to eliminate excess sodium in the body through urination. They also help relax the blood vessels, lowering blood pressure.

Myth: demerara sugar contains low quantities of these minerals, therefore consuming demerara sugar is not a good option for controlling blood pressure.

3 . Consuming demerara sugar prevents osteoporosis

Fact: each teaspoon of demerara sugar contains 2 mg of calcium and 0.35 mg of phosphorous, which are important minerals for bone health. These minerals help to strengthen the bones and avoid breaks and fractures. 

Myth: demerara sugar contains low quantities of calcium and phosphorous and is not considered a calcium-rich food like yogurt, which contains 143 mg of calcium in each 100 g portion.

Is demerara sugar fattening?

While it does contain important minerals, demerara sugar contains as many calories as other types of sugar (4 calories per gram). Excessive consumption of demerara sugar can lead to weight gain from too many calories. 

Demerara sugar is a high glycemic food, which rapidly increases levels of glucose and insulin in the blood. A rapid increase in insulin levels causes a sharp drop in blood sugar, causing increased hunger that can lead to weight gain and obesity. 

Demerara sugar vs muscovado

Demerara sugar is a type of minimally refined sugar made up of large crystals. It contains minerals like potassium, phosphorous, and magnesium. However this type of sugar also contains lime, a chemical additive used to whiten certain types of sugar, such as granulated sugar, white sugar, and demerara sugar.

Muscovado is an unrefined, raw sugar that contains higher quantities of potassium, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, and iron, and does not contain lime. Muscovado is made up of larger, darker crystals and does not dilute easily in liquids. It also has a stronger flavor that can change the taste of some recipes. 

Nutrition facts

The following table contains nutritional information for 50 g (10 tsp) of demerara sugar:


50 g (10 tsp) of demerara sugar



Total carbohydrate

49 g


0 g

Total fat

0 g


0 g


20 mg


3.5 mg


3.5 mg


27 mg


0.5 mg

To obtain the benefits associated with the moderate consumption of demerara sugar, it is essential to maintain a healthy, well-balanced diet combined with regular physical exercise. 

How to eat

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends limiting sugar intake to 5-10% of daily calories for both adults and children. This means that a person consuming 1800 calories per day should get between 90 and 180 of those calories from sugar, corresponding to 22.5 to 45 grams of sugar per day, the equivalent of 2 tsp of sugar.

Demerara sugar has a flavor similar to molasses and can be used to sweeten beverages like coffee and juice, or in recipes for cakes, bread, candy, and jam.


Demerara sugar is still sugar (even if it contains minerals), and should be avoided by people following weight loss diets as well as people with diabetes. Consuming demerara sugar can increase levels of glucose in the blood, leading to complications like kidney problems, poor circulation, glaucoma, heart attack, and stroke.