Editorial team
The content you find in this platform is written by our professional team, that is composed of health professionals from various fields of expertise. This team works daily to produce simple texts that can help you solve your most pressing doubts about different health issues.
Who is part of the team
Our editorial team is always expanding and evolving, but our main concern is to always select health professionals that have experience and technical responsibility. Therefore, our team is composed of nurses, pharmaceuticals, biomedical scientists and nutritionists that are concerned in creating health content that is easy to comprehended and also very reliable.
How is the creative process done
The articles you find on our website are elaborated by are editorial team. They analyze each topic and use scientific articles and specialized books and then convert the content into accessible language so that the health issue become more easily understandable.
After the editorial members elaborate the article it is then sent to a specialist in the field that revises the content and sees if the information is scientifically correct and then approves it and signs the article.
See a more detailed breakdown of the creative process at Tua Saúde.