15 Gluten-Free Foods to Include in Your Diet (& Recipes))

Examples of gluten-free foods include fruit, vegetables and meat, as these do not contain the gluten protein. There are some gluten-free flours available, like rice flour, almond flour and cassava flour, that can replace wheat flour or rye flour, as these contain gluten. 

Gluten-free food is necessary for people diagnosed with celiac disease or with a gluten intolerance or sensitivity. This type of food is also recommended for people with autism, as gluten can cause intestinal inflammation and symptoms like diarrhea, abdominal pain and difficulty absorbing some nutrients, which are symptoms that can exacerbate autism symptoms.

In general, all people can benefit from reducing their gluten intake, as it is usually found in food that can cause inflammation, bloating and abdominal discomfort. 

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List of gluten-free foods

The most common foods that do not contain gluten are: 

  1. Fruit
  2. Vegetables and tubercles like yams, cassava, potatoes and sweet potatoes 
  3. Meat, eggs, seafood and dish 
  4. Beans, peas, lentils and soy beans
  5. Rice flour, cassava flour, almond flour, coconut flour, quinoa flour and pea flour 
  6. Rice, corn, buckwheat and quinoa
  7. Corn starch
  8. Tapioca starch
  9. Potato starch
  10. Polenta
  11. Salt, sugar, powdered chocolate and cacao 
  12. Gelatin
  13. Vegetable oils, including olive oil 
  14. Nuts, like almonds, nuts, chestnuts, peanuts and pistachios 
  15. Milk, yogurt, butter and cheeses 

There are many other gluten-free foods that are available for purchase at the grocery store, like gluten-free bread and pasta.Corn flour and oats may contain traces of gluten, as these products are usually processed in factories where wheat flours, rye and barley are also processed. Therefore, it is important to carefully read package and nutrition labels before purchasing these items, especially if the food undergoes processing.

People with celiac disease should see a registered dietitian to discuss whether oats and oatmeal can be included in their diet. Although these may not contain gluten, oats can cause an immune reaction due to proteins naturally found in them..

How to start a gluten-free diet

A gluten free diet consists of eliminating foods and meals that contain wheat, rye, barley and oats (with gluten). Some examples of specific foods include cakes, pasta, cookies and bread.

There are many alternatives to these foods available on the market, like corn flour pasta or chickpea flour bread. These alternatives can also be made at home, and can contribute to a delicious and nutritious diet. 

A gluten-free diet is most used by people with a gluten intolerance or allergy. This diet helps to decrease inflammation to improve intestinal functioning and nutrient absorption. 

Some people have adopted gluten-free diets as a weight loss method, as it reinforces the elimination of refined flours and carbohydrates that can lead to weight gain. Whatever your goals may be, it is best to consult a registered dietitian who can assess your needs and provide you with a varied, nutritious meal that is suited for you.

Gluten-free recipes

Recipes for celiac disease should not contain wheat, rye, barley or oats (with gluten). Some examples are as follows:

1. Potato starch cake


  • 8 eggs;
  • 1/2 cup of honey 
  • 200 g of potato starch
  • Grated lemon or orange peels 

How to prepare: 

Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form and set aside. Then beat the egg yolks with the honey. Continue mixing and slowly add in the potato starch using a colander, then add the grated lemon. With a wooden spoon, delicately stir in the egg whites. 

Grease a large, high pain and pour in the batter. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes in a preheated oven at 180ºC (350ºF).  Wait for the cake to cool, then remove from the pan and serve. 

2. Quinoa kibbeh


  • 1/3 cup of uncooked quinoa 
  • 1 cup of water 
  • 400g of ground lean meat 
  • 1/2 an onion, diced 
  • Mint leaves
  • Salt and pepper, to taste 

How to prepare:

Wash the mint leaves and cut up finely, then set aside. Wash and strain the quinoa and cook it with the water for 10 minutes. Then add the onion, mint and ground meat in a bowl together with the quinoa. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Transfer this batter to a pan and bake for 200ºC (360ºF) for 10 minutes, until golden. This process may cause the kibbeh to release water, which can be gently poured out of the pan while baking. Wait for it to cool then serve. 

3. Potato bread


  • 30 g of fresh baker’s yeast
  • 200 g of cream of rice 
  • 2 large potatoes (about 400 g), boiled and with water squeezed out
  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • 1/2 cup of milk or vegetable milk alternative 
  • 3 eggs
  • ½ cup of cold water
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 200 g of potato starch
  • 2 tablespoons of corn flour  

How to prepare:

Mix the yeast with half of the cream of rice and allow to rest for 5 minutes. In another bowl, beat the potatoes, butter, milk, eggs and salt until well combined. Add this combination to the yeast mixture, and add the rest of the cream of rice and the potato starch. Stir with a wooden spoon until you achieve a homogenous batter. 

Grease a bread pan and sprinkle with more cream of ice. Pour in the batter and allow it to rest for another 30 minutes. Brush the batter with corn starch diluted in half a cup of water, then bake in a pre-heated oven at 180 ºC (350ºF) for about 30 minutes. Wait until it cools before serving. 

4. Quinoa pudding


  • 3/4 cup of quinoa
  • 4 cups of rice milk
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 tablespoon of cardamom
  • 1/2 cup of raisins 
  • 1/4 cup of dried apricots, diced

How to prepare:

Pour the quinoa and the 3 cups of rice milk in a large pot and place over low heat. Be sure to continuously stir for 15 minutes. In another bowl, mix the honey, cardamom, eggs, and the rest of the rice milk. Pour this mixture into the pot and then add the raisins and dried apricots. Stir everything over low heat  for 3 to 5 minutes, or until the pudding starts to become firm. Then pour the pudding into individual bowls and refrigerate for 8 hours before serving.