Green Onions: 10 Healthy Benefits, Types, Nutrition Info & Recipes

Green onions, also known as chives or Allium schoenoprasum, is an aromatic plant that helps regulate blood pressure, promote weight loss, maintain eye health, prevent premature aging and boost immunity.

Green onions have excellent amounts of saponins, beta-carotene, fiber and vitamin C, which are nutrients and bioactive compounds with antioxidant, satietogenic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Green onions are sold in bundles, alone or together with parsley or coriander, and can be consumed raw or cooked as a seasoning in soups, omelees, sauces or rice.

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Health benefits

The main health benefits of green onions are:

1. Regulating blood pressure

Because it contains potassium, green onions can promote arterial vasodilation, which relaxes the arteries and facilitates blood circulation. This can help with blood pressure regulation. Furthermore, the potassium present in green onions also favors the elimination of excess sodium circulating in the blood through urine. 

Learn more about foods that are high in potassium that you can add to your diet.

2. Promoting weight loss

Green onions promote weight loss because they are high in fiber, which increases the time it takes for food to be digested in the stomach. This keeps you full between meals and reduces overeating.

Also recommended: 35 High Fiber Foods: Food List, Health Benefits & Recommendations

However, to ensure weight loss, green onions should be part of a healthy, active lifestyle with an adequate diet.

3. Preventing premature aging

Beta-carotene, vitamin A, lutein and zeaxanthin are present in green onions, and are nutrients and carotenoids with antioxidant properties. They help to prevent premature aging by protecting the skin from damage caused by free radicals and UV sun rays. This can prevent the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin.

Because green onions are rich in vitamin C, this aromatic plant can play a role in the formation of collagen, which is an important protein for maintaining the softness and elasticity of the skin.

4. Managing constipation

The high fibers content in green onions can add bulk to the stool and stimulate natural bowel movements. This promotes regular evacuation and helps to combat constipation. Check-out other naturally laxative foods that you can consume for constipation.

5. Lowering LDL cholesterol

Green onions are rich in nutrients and bioactive compounds with antioxidant action, like flavonoids, saponins, beta-carotene and vitamin C. Therefore they inhibit the oxidation of fat cells, and help to reduce LDL cholesterol levels in the blood.

For this reason, green onions are a great option option to help prevent the emergence of problems related to high cholesterol, such as atherosclerosis, angina, heart attack and stroke.

6. Maintaining eye health

Green onions promote optimal eye health because they containing lutein and zeaxanthin. These are carotenoids that accumulate in the retina and protect the eyes from damage caused by UV sun rays emitted and blue light emitted by devices like computers, tablets and cell phones.

Thus, green onions help prevent cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, which is a progressive disease that can lead to vision loss.

7. Preventing diabetes

Green onions are high in fiber, which slow down the absorption of carbohydrates from food. This can regulate blood glucose levels and therefore helping to prevent insulin resistance and diabetes.

Also recommended: Diabetic Diet: What to Eat & Avoid (with Meal Plan)

8. Boosting immunity

Green onions are rich in vitamin C, flavonoids and beta-carotene, and therefore strengthen and boost functioning of the immune system to fight viruses, bacteria and fungi. Read about other immune system boosters that you can add to your diet.

9. Preventing osteoporosis

Green onions are also rich in vitamin K, a nutrient that is necessary for the production of osteocalcin, a protein that works to deposit calcium in the bones. Therefore, green onions can be consumed to maintain bone health and prevent the development of osteoporosis.

However, for vitamin K to improve bone health, it is also essential to have adequate calcium intake from your diet.

10. Treating anemia

Green onions help combat anemia because they are rich in vitamin C, an important nutrient for the absorption of iron present in food, thus helping in the formation of hemoglobin, a component responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body and which is normally reduced in anemia.

Types of green onions

There are 2 main types of green onions, one being common chives, which are scientifically known as Allium schoenoprasum. These have wider stalks and are more sensitive to heat, and can be used in recipes such as soups, pancakes , omelets or rice, for example.

The second type of green onions, whose scientific name is Allium fistulosum, is popularly known as Welsh onions or scallions. This type is thinner and smaller., It is more sensitive to heat and is mainly used to garnish dishes or prepare sauces.

Nutritional information

The following table outlines the nutritional information for 100 g of chopped green onions, which is equivalent to 1 cup:

Components 1 cup (100 g) of chopped green onions
Energy 30 calories
Protein 3.27 g
Fat 0.73 g
Carbohydrates 4.35 g
Fiber 2.5 g
Vitamin C 58.1 mg
Vitamin A 218 mcg
Vitamin K 213 mcg
Beta-carotene 2610 mcg
Luthein + Zeaxanthin 323 mcg
Potassium 296 mg

It is important to remember that, to obtain all the benefits of green onions, this aromatic herb should be part of a healthy and balanced diet and an active lifestyle.

How to eat

Green onions can be used as a seasoning, either raw or cooked, in recipes for juices, sauces, salads, pancakes, omelets, stews, soups, meats, fish and ceviche.

Healthy recipes

Some healthy recipes using green onions are omelets and juice.

1. Omelet with green onions and parsley


  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon of chopped green onions
  • 1 teaspoon chopped parsley
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil


Beat the eggs in a bowl and then add the other ingredients, except the olive oil. Place a frying pan on medium heat and add the olive oil. Pour the beaten egg mixture into the pan and let them cook for 2 to 3 minutes. Flip the omelet and let it cook on the other side. Transfer to a plate and serve immediately.

2. Green juice with green onions


  • 1 orange, peeled and chopped
  • 1 cabbage leaf
  • 1/2 glass of filtered or boiled water
  • 1 stalk of fresh green onions
  • Ice as desired


Wash the cabbage and green onions well and roughly rip them with your hands. Place all the ingredients in the blender and blend for a few minutes, until well combined. Transfer to a glass and drink afterwards, preferably without straining or sweetening.