Home remedies for a toothache can involve the use of natural substances with analgesic and antibacterial properties, such as cloves, garlic and saline water. These can be a cost-effective alternative for relieving mild pain, and can often be used in conjunction with over-the-counter analgesic or anti-inflammatories.
Toothaches almost always have a specific, underlying specific cause, like a cavity or a broken tooth. Therefore, it is important to see your dentist when you feel tooth pain, especially if pain is intense and does not improve with these home remedies.
Also recommended: Toothache: 9 Common Causes (& What to Do) tuasaude.com/en/toothacheYou are advised to see a dentist to identify whether a serious condition is causing your toothache, however you can try these home remedies while you away an appointment.

Natural ways to relieve a toothache
Some of the best home remedies that are proven to fight tooth pain include:
1. Cloves
Cloves are perhaps the most used natural treatment for toothaches. Often times the "clove smell" is associated with dentists' offices, as clove essential oil is part of many products used by dental professionals. Several years ago, scientists confirmed that clove oil has excellent bacterial and analgesic properties that are able to relieve toothaches very quickly.
Clove oil is an excellent home remedy to relieve a toothache, especially because it is easy to find and cheap to purchase. To use this remedy, you can squash one clove and place it on the affected tooth. You can also buy clove essential oil and place one drop on a piece of cotton and place this directly on the tooth. It's important not to leave it on for more than two minutes straight, as the essential oil can cause burning on the gums if used for a long time.
Clove essential oil can also be used as an elixir, which is safer than using essential oil. Simply place three to four drops of the oil in ½ cup of warm water and rinse your mouth. This method may not be as effective as pure oil, however.
Read more about the other health benefits of cloves and how they can be used for different home remedies.
2. Garlic
Garlic is another great home remedy for relieving a toothache. Although it has an intense flavor that may not be pleasant, it contains several properties that are beneficial for the treatment of toothaches.
To use the garlic, you can cut a clove in half and apply one of the halves directly on the gum of the affected tooth. You can also place the garlic clove on top of the painful tooth and then chew it. After you finish, and in order to remove the taste of garlic, you can brush your teeth or use a mouthwash.
Learn more about the other benefits that garlic can provide to your health.
3. Warm water with salt
Warm water with salt is an excellent antiseptic. It is easy to prepare at home which makes it a good option if you suspect you might have an infected tooth. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in boiling water and then rinse your mouth with the solution in small amounts for at least 30 seconds each time.
This mixture is also used a lot to relieve throat pain, and it is recommended by doctors as a form of complementing medical treatment.
4. Peppermint
The essential oil present in peppermint leaves has powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, and so it can be used as a home remedy to relieve tooth pain. In addition, it has a great flavor which makes it a good option to use in children over the age of five.
To use peppermint correctly, place one teaspoon of peppermint leaves in a cup of boiling water and let the mixture soak for twenty minutes. Then use a part of the mixture to do a mouth rinse for thirty seconds, and save the rest to use another two times a day.
Also recommended: Peppermint Tea: 7 Health Benefits & How to Prepare tuasaude.com/en/peppermint-tea5. Ginger and propolis
Ginger tea has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, while propolis has healing and antibacterial action, making this combination a great way to relieve pain and clean the inflamed area. To make this natural mouthwash, add 5 drops of propolis to a cup of ginger tea and then rinse your mouth with the mixture twice a day.
6. Ice pack
Ice can also help relieve a toothache faster, since it numbs pain receptors. To use ice, you should place an ice pack on your face, close to the painful area, making sure not to burn your skin. The ice must remain in place for 15 minutes, and the process can be repeated up to 3 or 4 times a day. Your dentist may suggest you to continue this home remedy even after assessment and treatment of a dental condition.