How to Increase Sperm Count: 10 Natural Methods

Ways to increase your sperm count include increasing your intake of vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc or coenzyme-Q10 or taking medicinal plants like Tribulus terrestris or ashwagandha. These methods can reduce the damage that free radicals can cause to sperm, and can therefore be taken to improve sperm mobility and quality.

To achieve these results and increase sperm count, you should consume these at the dose approved by your doctor every two days for at least two months. Studies carried out on these natural substances indicate that after 2 or 3 months, the quantity and quality of sperm increased significantly. Nonetheless, there is no guarantee that a woman may become pregnant, especially if she also has any fertility issues. 

In any case, if you are having trouble getting pregnant, you should see your doctor for fertility testing and interventions as appropriate. Check-out other tips to boost fertility and get pregnant fast.

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How to increase sperm count

Some natural ways to increase semen production include:

1. Increasing vitamin C intake

Consuming vitamin C on a daily basis is an excellent way to increase testosterone levels, which can improving the strength, motility and production or sperm cells. You can take two 1 g capsules of vitamin C every day, and also increase your intake of vitamin C foods, like oranges, limes, pineapple and strawberries.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble compound, and when ingested regularly in the form of supplements or from food, its levels are 10 times higher in the sperm than in the blood. It works by eliminating free radicals, which can lead to decreased fertility in men. Regular consumption of vitamin C reduces inflammation on a cellular level, and optimizes sperm function, which can increase motility and production.

2. Taking vitamin D supplements

Vitamin D supplements are also a great way to treat male infertility because they can increase testosterone levels. Taking 3,000 IU of vitamin D3 every day can increase your testosterone levels by about 25%. See other natural testosterone boosters that can increase your levels.

3. Eating food with zinc

Zinc is a mineral that has antioxidant properties, which prevents damage caused by free radicals. It has a protective effect on sperm, and is also associated with an increase in sperm quantity and volume.

Zinc is not produced by the human body, but can be easily found in foods of animal origin, such as oysters, beef or fish.

Also, zinc can be consumed in the form of supplements in capsules for men with zinc deficiency and/or in men who exercise vigorously. Low zinc levels can lead to low testosterone levels, which can impact sperm quality iand increase the risk of infertility.

4. Eating health fats

Eating healthy fats, like omega-3, promotes healthy development of the sperm membrane, increasing their motility and the quantity of semen.

You can also increase your intake of  omega-3 foods, like mackerel, herring, salmon, tuna, trout and fish oils, by including them in your diet at least twice a week. Other foods that contain omega-3 include flax seed oil, wheat germ, and nuts, or your can opt to take omega-3 supplements.

5. Taking selenium supplements

Selenium is a mineral with high antioxidant capacity that helps reduce the amount of free radicals in the body. It protects the DNA of the sperm from damage caused by oxidative stress, and also helps to maintain the structural integrity of sperm cells.

Therefore, taking selenium supplements can help improve sperm quality and quantity. 

Selenium can also be found in foods such as Brazil nuts, wheat, rice, egg yolks, sunflower seeds or chicken, for example. Read more about foods that are high in selenium and how to consume them.

6. Taking coenzyme-Q10

Some studies[1,2] have shown that consuming coenzyme-Q10 supplements can help improve sperm motility in infertile men. They also increase sperm count, and neutralize the damage caused by free radicals.

Coenzyme-Q10 is an enzyme with antioxidant action present in almost all cells in the body. It has a greater concentration in sperm mitochondria, which are responsible for cellular respiration and energy production for sperm cells.

The recommended doses of coenzyme-Q10 may vary, and in some studies carried out, the therapeutic effect was noted in 400 mg per day in comparison to only 200 mg per day. 

7. Taking Tribulus terrestris supplements

Tribulus terrestris supplement can be used to improve sperm quality because it increases testosterone levels and improves erectile function and libido. You can take 6 g of Tribulus terrestris per day for at least 3 months and then reassess.

8. Taking ashwagandha supplements

Taking ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) supplements are also a good option for improving sperm count and motility. Daily consumption of this supplement for approximately 2 months can increase sperm production by more than 150%, as well as improve sperm motility and increase semen volume. In this case, you can take 675 mg of ashwagandha root extract per day for about 3 months.

9. Drink shatavari tea

Shatavari tea, prepared with the root of the medicinal plant Asparagus racemosus, is a plant with a naturally aphrodisiac effect. It can help to balance hormone production and regulate sperm production.

At the same time, this plant is also a natural tonic and is often used in Ayurvedic medicine to boost sperm production, longesvity, motility and plasma membrane integrity.

To prepare the tea, add 1 teaspoon of shatavari root powder to 250 mL of boiling water, stir, and wait for it to cool. Then drink 2 cups a day. 

10. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes

Drinking alcohol frequently or in excess, and/or smoking, can reduce testosterone levels and the quantity of sperm, as well as their quality and motility.

Therefore, to increase sperm count, you should avoid frequent and excessive alcohol consumption, and top smoking.

Can phytoestrogens interfere with sperm count?

Some studies [1,2] carried out on laboratory animals showed that the consumption of phytoestrogens, mainly soy isoflavones, can impact fertility.

However, it has not yet been proved that the consumption of soy isoflavones by men, whether in the diet or in the form of supplements, can influence testosterone levels, fertility or sperm count or quality.

Ideally, the consumption of phytoestrogens by men should be guided by a urologist or registered dietitian, according to each patient's individual nutritional needs.