How to Lose Weight Faster: 6 Essential Tips

To lose weight and reduce belly fat, changes in lifestyle and habits can prove to be very effective. You can lose up to 2 kg (or 4 lb) per week, depending on your starting weight, For this to happen, it is important to adopt specific strategies and follow them on a daily basis.

If you are trying to lose weight, it is important not to weigh yourself every day to check your progress. This can generate more anxiety and interfere with the process. You should ideally only weigh yourself once per week at the same time of the day. Keep in mind that, for women, your menstrual cycle can still influence your weight, as normal period bloating will reflect itself on the scale.

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Consider the following 6 ways you can lose weight and reduce belly fat in a healthy way:

1. Eat slowly and respect your appetite

Eating slowly permits your stomach to signal your brain when it is full and has received sufficient food. This signal occurs before the stomach is completely full, and is a sign that it no longer needs more food at the moment. People who have a habit of eating quickly do not receive this signal, and will have reduced contact with food and reduced enjoyment related to eating a meal.

Respecting appetite or satiety is one of the fundamental ways to lose weight and avoid weight gain. Satisfying the stomach with foods that are rich in nutrients and fibers (like vegetables, fruit, meat and healthy fats) ensures the metabolism functions better and keeps hunger away for longer.

2. Drink more water throughout the day

You should drink plenty of fluids between meals, as this will help to reduce hunger and fluid retention. The more water you drink, the more urine your body produces, which helps to eliminate toxins that impede weight loss.

  • What you can drink: Water, coconut water, natural smoothies with no added sweetners (e.g. not pre-packaged), unsweetened tea
  • What you shouldn't drink: sodas, packaged or powdered juice, chocolate-flavoured beverages, alcohol

The recommended daily water intake is 1.5 to 3 L per day (or 8 to 12 cups per day).

3. Engage in some exercise

The type of exercise you perform is not important, but it should be regular and completed at least 3 times per week. In addition, some daily activity can make all the difference, therefore you can also try:

  • Taking the stairs instead of using the elevator
  • Parking further away, or getting off a bus stop earlier to walk the rest of the way
  • Going for a 10-minute walk after lunch
  • Taking the dog for a walk at night

Contrary to popular belief, all exercise can help with weight lost - not just aerobic exercise like walks, biking and running. Strength training can also help with weight loss and also helps with increase muscle mass, which improves metabolism and speeds up weight loss.

4. Eating everything, but in small quantities

The body needs all types of nutrients, and diets that prohibit carbohydrates completes will eventually lead to rebound weight gain in the future. Therefore, it is best to: 

  • Avoid sugar intake in your daily diet, like in coffee, milk, yogurt, tea and smoothies
  • Add 1 teaspoon of seeds to smoothies and yogurts, like flaxseed and chia
  • Eat 5 chestnuts or 10 peanuts per day
  • Choose just one carbohydrate per meal, giving preference to more natural carbs like fruit, potatoes, whole wheat rice, beans, lentils, corn and peas
  • Eat raw salad prior to lunch and dinner
  • Add 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil to your lunch or dinner
  • Avoid eating even after feeling satisfied
  • Avoid eating out of boredom or due to emotions like anxiety or sadness

Even in small quantities throughout the day, fruits and vegetables provide high amounts of fiber and vitamins, and are therefore a healthy food source that can help to lose weight and reduce belly fat. 

5. Avoid getting too hungry

Going hungry for too many hours can make you choose quick junk food that is high in calories instead of taking time to prepare a healthy meal. Therefore, to avoid becoming hungry before your next healthy meal, you can:

  • Have a half-handful of a snack like chestnuts, peanuts, fresh fruit, dry fruit or coconut shavings nearby
  • At work, keep 1 natural yogurt in the fridge
  • Eat snacks made up of veggies when you are at home or preparing your next meal. Some examples include sarrot sticks, cubed tomatoes with a pinch of salt and olive oil, coconut shavings, or a boiled egg.

If it is not possible to prepare a meal at some point of the day, you can try to focus on eating these healthy snacks if you become hungry. You will slowly start to learn that most times, you are not actually hungry, but instead just anxious to eat.

6. Write down everything you eat

Writing down what you eat throughout the day is another good strategy for weight loss, as this way you can be more aware of what you are eating. You will be able to identify any problem areas and correct any habits that can help with weight loss or maintaining a healthier lifestyle.

You should write down your meals every day, immediately after you've eaten, as this will make it easier to remember what you've eaten. Your food diary should describe the type of meal you've head (breakfast, lunch, snack or dinner), the time of the meal, the foods you ate, where you ate it and if you were doing anything else at the moment. You should also write down who you ate your meal with and how you were feel in terms of mood. You should maintain this food diary for 3 to 7 days, so that you can get a good sense of your eating habits.

After writing everything down, it is important to analyze your food choices with a Registered Dietitian. This way, you can identify your problem areas and establish strategies to achieve your health goals. The dietitian can also suggest better food choices so that you do not have any nutritional deficiencies while you attempt to lose weight. 

How to lose weight in a healthy way

If losing weight is very difficult, you should see your doctor to evaluate whether you have any hormonal imbalances. You may also benefit from seeing a Registered Dietitian for guidance and for a specific food plan that incorporates your eating habits and lifestyles.

If you have any health problems, like gastritis, asthma, osteoporosis or even mobility limitations, you should discuss your weight loss plan with your doctor to ensure it does not interfere with your medication or treatment plan. Your weight loss should always improve your qualtiy of life, and not the other way around.