8 Ways to Make Your Period Come Faster

Scientifically proven

Some ways to make your period come faster include using birth control, avoiding heavy physical activity and altering your diet (which can especially be effective if you are under or overweight). 

A late period can be a sign of pregnancy, especially if a late period came after unprotected sex. However, it can also be a sign of a health problem, like PCOS, hyperthyroidism or stress. Learn more about what causes a late period and what to do. 

It is important to complete a pregnancy test if you notice a late period, and to consult a gynecologist to assess whether you are late or if your period has stopped for another reason. Once a diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor can proceed with treatment as appropriate. 

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How to make your period come faster

Methods to induce your period include: 

1. Using birth control 

Women who take oral birth control with progesterone and estrogen can induce their period and make it start on a specific day by stopping their pills one week early. 

Usually, combination hormones are taken for 21 consecutive days, followed by a pause of 7 days, during which a period starts.  

This interruption can occur to coincide or skip an important event, like a trip or wedding, for example. 

However, it is important to highlight that stopping birth control before the intended time can increase the risk for an unwanted pregnancy if the woman is engaging in unprotected sex. 

Therefore, stopping birth control should be done as instructed by a gynecologist. In the meantime, women should use other birth control methods, like using a condom, to prevent pregnancy and transmission of STIs. 

Also recommended: 9 Birth Control Side Effects (& What to Do) tuasaude.com/en/birth-control-side-effects

2. Taking medroxyprogesterone

Medroxyprogesterone is a synthetic hormone that is similar to progesterone that is naturally produced in the body. It is normally indicated for the treatment of amenorrhea (lack of period) for over 3 months, in women that are not pregnant and have abnormal hormone levels. 

As such, this medication can also help by regulating hormone levels to induce a period. It should by solely used as prescribed, after a thorough gynecological assessment.

This medication does not have contraceptive action and does not prevent unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, women who are looking to prevent pregnancy should see a gynecologist about the best contraceptive method available. Read more about the different birth control options and see their advantages and disadvantages. 

3. Taking primosiston

Primosiston is a medication that contains two hormones in its composition: norethisterone and ethinylestradiol. This combination impedes with ovulation and hormonal production, and is indicated to induce a period or make it come later. It can also be used to interrupt dysfunctional bleeding in the uterus. 

This medication should only be used as indicated by a gynecologist after assessment and testing, which should include a pregnancy test.

Although primosiston contains hormones, it is not a form of birth control and should not be used as a contraceptive method.  

4. Supplementing with vitamin C

Some studies [1,2] have shown a positive association with vitamin C supplementation and decreased progesterone levels with increased estrogen levels. This action can stimulate uterine contractions and make your period come faster. Nonetheless, more studies are needed to support this effect. 

Vitamin C supplement should be used as advised by a doctor or registered dietitian. Supplementation is contraindicated for people with a history of oxalate kidney stones, renal insufficiency, renal failure or hemochromatosis. They can also cause side effects like diarrhea, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain. 

Learn more about vitamin C foods you can incorporate into your diet.

5. Natural remedies 

Some natural remedies, like ginger tea or oregano tea, contain substances that increase uterine contractions, which can help to induce a period. These should be taken on the day that your period would normally come. Read more about teas for a late period and how to prepare them. 

It is important to highlight, however, that most teas used for the purpose of inducing a period have not been scientifically supported by studies. They should be used cautiously if pregnancy is suspected, as they can cause serious fetal defects or miscarriage.

Before using natural remedies to induce a period, you should complete a pregnancy test and seek a gynecological assessment to determine the cause of the late period. 

6. Avoiding vigorous exercise 

Vigorous exercising or overloading during weight training can cause hormonal changes, like decreased estrogen levels. This can lead to amenorrhea, which is more common in professional athletes.

A good way to avoid delaying a period is to exercise regularly without overloading the body with too much resistance or by reducing the amount time spent exercising. 

Is it important to exercise as directed by a fitness specialist or personal trainer. You should ensure you are complete all regular screening assessment with a gynecologist to ensure hormonal levels and reproductive health are within normal limits. 

7. Having sex

Regular sex can help to decrease stress and promote hormonal balance, which can help to regulate the menstrual cycle. 

In addition, orgasms can help to increase blood flow to the pelvis and dilate the uterus, which can stimulate a period. This can particularly happen if sex occurs days before the expected period.

It is important to use protection during sex to prevent STIs and unwanted pregnancy. 

8. Making diet changes

Making diet changes as advised by a registered dietitian, is an essential factor in regulating hormonal levels and maintaining a regular cycle, especially in women with a history of irregular periods due to low body weight, obesity or restrictive diets.

Low body weight and restrictive diets can lead to decreased nutrient intake, which can affect vital functions in the body. 

Being overweight or obese and increase adiposines in the body, which are molecules that are released by fat cells. Adipocines can lead to hormonal changes, irregular periods, a lack of ovulation, insulin resistance, PCOS and even infertility.

Therefore, a balanced diet that is rich in fresh fruit and vegetables and in anti-inflammatory foods with antioxidant properties can help to ensure a regular period.