Hydrolyzed Collagen: Uses, Health Benefits & How to Take

Hydrolyzed collagen is a nutritional supplement that is made mainly from bovine bones and cartilage. It can be used to promote natural collagen production in the body, which can help to improve the skin's appearance and to strengthen joints, nails and hair.

This supplement can be pucharsed at pharmacies, health food stores or online in the form of capsules, or as a powder that is then diluted in water, juices or teas. 

Supplementation with hydrolyzed collagen is normally recommended after the age of 30, but can also be used earlier in people who are at risk for poor skin health or premature aging (due to factors like prolonged sun exposure, smoking, or unhealthy diet).

What it's used for

Hydrolyzed collagen serves mainly to promote elasticity and firmness of the skin, as well as to strengthen joints. This is because collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and is responsible for the formation of various tissues, such as skin, cartilage, bones and tendons. It is fundamental for the maintenance of many structures in the body.

As you age, collagen production decreases, leading to more sagging skin and joint pain. Other factors can also interfere with collagen production, such as smoking, prolonged sun exposure, having an unhealthy diet and being a carrier for some diseases.

Hydrolyzed collagen refers to the form in which the collagen is available. It is technically collagen broken down into smaller molecules to make it more readily and easily absorbed into the body. Hydrolized collagen can be taken as a supplement or added to beauty and skin care products. 

Health benefits

The main benefits of taking hydrolyzed collagen include:

  • Improving the firmness and elasticity of the skin
  • Strengthening joints, nails and hair
  • Preventing and treating osteoporosis
  • Preventing early aging
  • Strengthening tendons and ligaments
  • Improving and regulating blood pressure, as it helps to repair blood vessels
  • Preventing of the appearance of gastric ulcers

It is important to highlight that these benefits are obtained when hydrolyzed collagen is incorporated into a healthy, balanced diet.

Also recommended: Collagen: Health Benefits, When to Use & How to Take tuasaude.com/en/collagen

When to take

Hydrolized collagen is normally recommended for people over 30 years of age or who have joint problems. It is also recommended for people who do not consume enough protein in their diet, which can accelerate the loss of skin firmness and lead to joint problems.

Hydrolized collagen is also recommended for people who smoke or who spend a lot of time in the sun, as these are factors that age the skin more quickly. Taking collagen can also promote the healing of wounds and surgical incisions, and reduce the appearance of scars.

How to take

It is important to take hydrolized collagen as prescribed by a doctor or registered dietitian. Normally, this supplement should be taken for at least 2 months to achieve specific health benefits.

The recommended amount of collagen intake is 8 to 10 g per day, which can be consumed with a meal at any time of the day. The best type of collagen is hydrolyzed as it is better absorbed in the intestine. Collagen powder can be found with or without flavor and can be diluted in water, juices, soups or smoothies.

Furthermore, ingesting vitamin C together with collagen is important, as it enhances its effects in the body. Therefore, you should dilute the hydrolized collagen powder or take hydrolized collagen capsules together with a vitamin C source, such as lemon, orange, pineapple or tangerine. Many collagens will already contain vitamin C in their formulation to enhance its absorption.

Side effects and contraindications

In general, the use of hydrolyzed collagen supplements is considered to be safe. However, some people may experience diarrhea, acidity and less appetite.

However, some of these supplements are made with foods that can cause allergies, such as seafood and eggs. Therefore, people with allergies should avoid using this type of supplement.

People with diabetes should consume hydrolyzed collagen with care, as it may contain carbohydrates in its formula.