This is a very complete IQ test that assess various areas of the brains. Users must employ a complex thinking process also known as "abstract logic".
This test can be completed by adults and children over 12, and can be done by anyone from any country, with any language capacity or with any educational background.
To complete this IQ test, select the most correct answer to the questions below.
Online IQ test
This test contains 60 questions that should be completed in 40 minutes:
What this IQ test assesses
This IQ test is based on the "Raven’s Progressive Matrices" theory which was developed in 1936. It aims to evaluate abstract logic, which looks to evaluate your ability to rationalize and problem-solve using varying sensory information. Abstract logic activates various areas of the brain and is a complex mental process.
IQ testing, which is considered to be very thorough, can be completed by an individual or by a group. In a group setting, IQ test results can be used to assess the flow and fluidity within a group on an intellectual level.
When comparing IQ test results, all test-takers should complete the same test with the same questions and answers.
Who can complete this test?
This test can be applied to anyone over 12 years old with any cultural background, language and communication abilities, or educational background.
How this IQ test works
This test is divided into 5 groups, each with 12 patterns to be completed as best as possible. In each group, the 12 patterns will progressively get more difficult. The test will employ higher cognitive functioning as it goes on.
After finishing the test, responses are compared to a table developed by Raven to calculate the approximate IQ of each person, depending on their age.
Can answers be influenced?
Genetics are the main factor that influence IQ testing, as genetics can determine the way information is processed in the brain. Other factors that may influence results include:
- The person’s own desire to complete the test
- The presence of a chronic disease or other worry
- Access to quality education
- Economic status
- Parents’ or family members’ profession
Many other social, environmental and economic factors may also influence IQ testing, which is why IQ should not be seen as a sole way of evaluating intelligence or mental processes.