Neck Pain Relief: 7 Tips to Reduce Pain Fast

Neck pain relief can often be achieved by applying a cold or warm compress over the sore area, by taking analgesics or anti-inflammatory medications, and by stretching or massaging affected muscles. Physiotherapy can also be beneficial in relieving chronic neck pain that flares-up frequently.

Very intense pain that does not resolve with these conservative measures should be assessed by a family doctor or orthopedic surgeon however, to determine the underlying cause and start treatment as necessary.

Neck pain can be related to factors like poor posture, excess stress or fatigue, but it can also be a sign of a more serious health condition, like a herniated disc, osteomyelitis or an infection. Therefore, you should see a doctor if your pain is moderate to severe, or if it does not improve with measures at home. Learn more about what causes neck pain

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How to relieve neck pain

Some tips for neck pain relief include

1. Applying a cold compresses

In the first few hours of neck pain, you can apply cold compresses to help reduce inflammation and pain.

Simply wet a towel with cold water or fill a bag with ice and wrap it in a clean, dry towel. Apply your compress to the sore area for a few minutes, and repeat several times per day.

It is important that the ice is not applied directly to the skin to avoid burning the skin.

2. Applying a warm compress

A warm compress on the area can help to boost circulation to the area, relax the neck muscles and relieve neck pain.

To apply a warm compress, wet a towel with warm water, or warm a microwave-safe bean bag in the microwave for a few minutes. Then apply these to the sore area for about 20 minutes, being careful not to burn yourself.

To heighten this effect, you can add naturally analgesic essential oils to hot or warm compresses, like  clove oil, lavender oil or peppermint oil.

3. Massaging the neck

You can also massage the neck to relieve pain, particularly after applying a warm compress. 

Ideally, the massage should be done with analgesic and anti-inflammatory ointments that contain diclofenac or capsaicin. These can help relieve inflammation and pain, and can be beneficial for treating torticollis. 

Also recommended: Torticollis: Common Causes & Treatment Options

To perform the massage, first apply the analgesic ointment or oil to your fingertips. Then press your fingertips on the painful areas, making circular movements for 2 minutes to promote muscle relaxation and absorption of the ointment.

4. Stretching

Stretching your neck also helps reduce tension in your neck muscles.

To do this, you must stretch your neck, with your hands, to the right, left side, forward and backward, each movement must be performed for 30 seconds.

Stretching exercises can be done every day to increase muscle strength and endurance, preventing pain from recurring, even when caused by more serious conditions, such as arthritis and herniated discs, for example.

5. Taking an analgesic or anti-inflammatory medication

Very intense neck pain can be treated with anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications as prescribed. Some over-the-counter options include acetaminophen, ibuprofen or naproxen.

In some cases, opioid medications, such as codeine, as well as muscle relaxants, like cyclobenzaprine, can be prescribed for short treatment durations to help relieve more intense pain that causes immobility.

6. Taking B-complex vitamins

Some research shows that the use of B-complex vitamins, especially vitamins B12, B6 or B1, can be beneficial for treating neck pain and back pain. These vitamins can relieve pain and inflammation and promote a speedy recovery, and are usually associated with fewer side effects than medications.

Long-term use of vitamin B1, B6 and B12 complex has been shown to strengthen the nervous and skeletal systems, which can play a role in preventing recurring neck pain.

7. Attending physiotherapy

Physiotherapy may be recommended by your doctor to help improve muscle tone and strengthens the muscles of the neck and upper back. This approach can be useful for preventing recurring neck pain.

In this case, the physiotherapist may recommend additional exercises and stretches to perform at home to complement your sessions.

Also recommended: 10 Stretches for Upper Back Pain & Neck Discomfort

Fast neck pain relief

To reduce neck pain more quickly, you are advised to:

  • Sleep with a low, firm pillow;
  • Avoid driving until the neck pain goes away;
  • Avoid sleeping on your stomach, as this position increases pressure within the neck area;
  • Avoid holding your phone between your shoulder and ears
  • Avoid sitting in front of the computer for prolonged periods of time time.

It is also important to maintain  correct posture, as this can contribute to muscle tension in the neck. Check-out some exercises to improve posture that you can incorporate into your daily or weekly routine.

When to go to the doctor

It is important to go to the hospital or see a doctor if your neck pain does not go away within 3 days, if it is very severe or if you have other symptoms such as fever, vomiting or dizziness, these symptoms may be a sign of a health condition that requires immediate medical attention, like meningitis or migraine.