Ora pro nobis is a consumable plant with various medicinal properties. It can prevent anemia, improve intestinal function, promote weight loss, prevent early aging and reduce cholesterol levels.
The benefits of this plant are based on the fact that ora pro nobis is rich in fiber, protein, iron, vitamin A and vitamin B3. These are nutrients with antioxidant, hypolipemiant, laxative and hypoglycemic properties.
This plant can be cooked and added to salads, soups or rice. Ora pro nobis can be cultivated in the home or purchased at open markets and natural health stores in its natural fresh form, dehydrated or powdered into a flour.

Health benefits
The main health benefits of ora pro nobis include:
1. Promoting weight loss
Ora pro nobis helps with weight loss because it is rich in fibers that form a gel in the stomach. This can keep you full and reduce overeating.
In addition, ora pro nobis is low in calories, making it a great green to add to weight loss diets.
2. Improving intestinal function
Because of its high fiber content, ora pro nobis improves digestion and normal intestinal functioning. It can prevent constipation and the formation of polyps or intestinal tumors.
3. Strengthening the immune system
Because this plant is rich in niacin (a vitamin with antioxidant action), ora pro nobis can help to improve defense cell functions and prevent the body from damage caused by free radicals. This can lead to a stronger immunity.
4. Preventing anemia
Ora pro nobis has great amounts of iron, a mineral that is necessary for the formation of health red blood cells. This can help to prevent anemia.
To prevent anemia, ora pro nobis should be consumed together with a vitamin C source. This nutrient is essential for the absorption of iron from plant-based sources. Learn more about iron rich foods that you can incorporate into your diet.
5. Maintaining eye health
Ora pro nobis has high amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin which are carotenoids with antioxidant and photoprotective properties. This makes ora pro nobis a great way to prevent cataracts and macular degeneration.
6. Preventing early aging
Because it is rich in antioxidants like vitamin A and betacarotene, ora pro nobis helps to reduce damage caused by free radicals to health skin cells. This can help to prevent signs of aging.
7. Preventing diabetes
Ora pro nobis is rich in fibers, a nutrient that helps to control blood sugar levels. It reduces the speed at which carbohydrates as absorbed, which can help to prevent insulin resistance and diabetes.
8. Reducing cholesterol
Ora pro nobis can help to reduce cholesterol as it is rich in fiber. This can lead to reduced fat absorption in the gut, reducing cholesterol levels in the blood.
In addition, the presence of antioxidant compounds in this plant, like flavonoids and betacarotene, also help to prevent fat cell oxidation. This can also play a role in controlling cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, and prevent the development of conditions like heart attacks, atherosclerosis and stroke.
9. Regulating metabolism
Ora pro nobis helps to regulate metabolism because it is rich in niacin. This vitamin transforms carbohydrates, protein and fats into energy, and promote adequate functioning of the cells and organs.
10. Helping to prevent cancer
Ora pro nobis is high in flavonoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, which are bioactive compounds with antioxidant properties. This plant can therefore reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, which may help to prevent cancer.
Is ora pro nobis a good protein source?
This plant contains low amounts of protein, and is therefore not considered to be an ideal source for this nutrient.
Generally, an ideal protein source should offer about 10% of the daily recommended amount of protein in a single serving, which this plant does not offer.
However, ora pro nobis can be used to complement the diet together with other protein sources, like rice and beans.
Nutritional information
The following table outlines the nutritional components found in 100 g (or 7 tablespoons) of cooked ora pro nobis:
It is important to incorporate this plant into a healthy, active lifestyle to obtain all of its health benefits.
How to eat
The leaves, fruits and flowers can be included in various recipes, like salads, omelets, spreads, tarts, bread, juices, stir-fries, pesto sauce and pasta.
In addition, ora pro nobis can be found in powder form and added to bread doughs cake does, pasta, pancake does, juices and sauces.
Although there is no specific quantity recommended for ora pro nobis consumption, the minimum recommended amount is 2 to 3 portions per day, which corresponds to 160 to 240 g.
Ora pro nobis tea
Ora pro nobis tea can be made with fresh or dried leaves and the stems of this plant. It has antioxidant, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects, and can help in the prevention and treatment of various conditions.
- 5 chopped fresh leaves or 1 tablespoon of dried ora pro nobis leaves and stems
- 200 ml of water
Pour the water into a pot bring to a boil. Turn off the heat, add the ora pro nobis leaves, cover the pot and let it infuse for 5 minutes. Strain and drink. If desired, you can make this tea together with other herbs, such as mint, rosemary and chamomile, or squeeze the juice of a slice of lemon into it.
Ora pro nobis recipes
Some healthy recipes that can be prepared with ora pro nobis include:
1. Snack tart
- 4 whole eggs
- 1 cup of oil
- 2 cups of milk
- 2 cups of flour
- Half cup of chopped onion
- 1 tablespoon of baking powder
- 1 cup of chopped ora pro nobis
- 2 cups of grated cheese
- 2 tins of sardines
- Oregano and salt to taste
How to prepare:
Mix all ingredients in a blender, except for the ora pro nobis, cheese and sardines. Grease a pan with oil and pour half of the batter in, followed by the ora pro nobis, cheese and oregano. Cover with the rest of the batter. Beat the egg and brush over the dough. Then bake in the oven at medium heat.
2. Pesto sauce
- 1 cup of ora pro nobis leaves, roughly torn by hand
- Half a clove of garlic
- Half cup of aged cheese, grated
- A third of a cup of Brazilian nuts
- Half cup of olive oil
How to prepare:
Smash the ora pro nobis with a pestle, then add the garlic, nuts and cheese. Add the olive oil gradually and continue to smash until you obtain a homogenous paste.
3. Green juice
- 4 apples;
- 200 ml of water
- 6 sorrel leaves
- 8 ora pro nobis leaves
- 1 teaspoon of freshly chopped ginger
How to prepare:
Mix all ingredients in a blender until you obtain a thick juice. Strain and serve.