Orange Peel Tea: 8 Health Benefits & Tea Recipes

Orange peel tea is rich in vitamin C and flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties that can strengthen the immune system and help to prevent diseases like cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and the flu.

Orange peel tea is also a great weight loss option, as it has excellent amounts of potassium. This mineral contains diuretic properties that help to eliminate excess body fluid and reduce abdominal bloating.

This tea is prepared using fresh or dried orange peel and can be consumed on its own or flavored with cinnamon, ginger and honey. In order to obtain the health benefits of this tea, it should be incorporated into a healthy, active lifestyle. 

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Health benefits

Orange peel tea can be therapeutic for:

1. Helping with weight loss

Because it contains excellent amounts of potassium, orange peel tea promotes the elimination of excess body fluid, which can reduce abdominal bloating and contribute to weight loss.

In addition, the peel of the orange contains four times more fiber than the actual fruit, making this tea a good option to help prolong satiety and manage urges to eat.

2. Preventing cancer

Orange peel tea is rich in vitamin C and flavonoids such as hesperidin and naringenin. These have antioxidant action that help to fight excess free radicals and thus prevent some types of cancer.

3. Treating varicose veins

Orange peel has excellent amounts of hesperidin, a flavonoid with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which improve blood circulation.

For this reason, orange peel tea can be a great option for preventing and helping to treat varicose veins and fatigued legs.

4. Controlling high blood pressure

Orange peel tea has excellent amounts of potassium, a mineral that helps to eliminate excess sodium in the body through the urine. This can play a role in managing high blood pressure.

In addition, orange peel contains excellent amounts of antioxidants, such as hesperidin and nobiletin, which improve arterial health and prevent the formation of free radicals, which also contribute to hypertension.

5. Preventing colds and flu

Because it contains three times more vitamin C than the fruit, orange peel tea helps to boost immunity and prevent viral infections.

The antioxidants in orange peels (like hesperidin, nobiletin and naringenin) and also present in high concentrations, making this tea a good option for fighting circulating free radicals and preventing the flu.

6. Preventing neurodegenerative diseases

Orange peel tea contains high levels of the nobiletin and tangeretin, which are flavonoids with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant functions. These can protect central nervous system cells from free radicals, which can help prevent diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

7. Preventing diabetes

Because it contains excellent amounts of antioxidants, orange peel tea helps improve the function of insulin, the hormone responsible for controlling blood sugar levels. Therefore this tea can play a role in preventing diabetes.

8. Detoxing the liver

Orange tea has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which fight free radicals, as well as protect and improve liver function. This tea has the ability to aid in eliminating toxins from the body.

How to make orange peel tea

Orange peel tea can be made with the dried or fresh orange peels. When possible, it is recommended to prioritize organic versions of the fruit, as these are less likely contain pesticides, which are chemical products used to kill insects on plants.

The nutrients present in orange peels are preserved even when heated up to 70ºC, as long as the tea is not reheated and is consumed within a maximum of 20 minutes after preparation.

1. Orange peel tea


  • 1 tablespoon of fresh or dehydrated orange peel (without the white part)
  • 200 ml of water

How to prepare:

When using fresh peel, wash the orange thoroughly before peeling. Boil the water in a kettle or pot. Turn off the heat, and add the orange peels. Infuse for 5 to 10 minutes and then strain and drink without adding sugar or sweetener.

2. Orange peel tea with cinnamon


  • 1 tablespoon of fresh or dehydrated orange peel (without the white part)
  • 200 ml of water
  • 1 small piece of cinnamon stick

How to prepare

If you prefer to use the fresh peel, be sure to wash the orange thoroughly before peeling. Bring the water to the boil. Turn off the heat, and add the cinnamon sticks and the orange peels. 

Other considerations

Orange peels may contain pesticides, which can cause mild symptoms (like headaches or vomiting) or more serious problems (like hormonal changes and cancer). For this reason, whenever possible, you should prioritize organic oranges, which do not contain pesticides, which will help to prevent ingestion of harmful compounds

In addition, it is important to avoid sun exposure for up to 6 hours after handling orange peels during tea preparation, as the peel contains photosensitive compounds that can cause skin burns.