Sleep and Weight Loss: 7 Benefits of Sleep for Weight Loss

Sleep and weight loss go hand in hand because of the many benefits of sleep for weight loss. Good quality sleep can help with weight loss by regulating levels of hormones related to hunger (ghrelin and leptin) and lowering levels of cortisol in the blood. Cortisol, also known as the body's stress hormone, can increase appetite and make it difficult for the body to burn fat.

The majority of people need between 6 and 8 hours of sleep a night to replenish energy stores and regulate body functions. A healthy person will burn about 80 calories per hour of sleep, therefore it is clear that sleep alone will not cause weight loss. However, sleep can help with weight loss in other ways.

When combined with regular physical activity and a well-balanced diet, good sleep can have a positive influence on weight loss.

woman asleep in bed

Main benefits

The main benefits of a good night's sleep for weight loss include:

1. Decreasing ghrelin production

Ghrelin is a hormone produced in the stomach that helps with digestion but can also increase hunger and stimulate appetite. Poor sleep can lead to an increased production of ghrelin, leading to increased hunger and a stronger urge to eat. 

Also recommended: How to Fall Asleep Fast: 10 Tips for a Good Sleep

2. Increasing release of leptin

Leptin is a hormone produced during sleep that promotes satiety (feeling of fullness). Having higher levels of leptin than ghrelin is important for appetite regulation and controlling compulsive eating (the uncontrollable urge to eat).

3. Stimulating growth hormone

Growth hormone (GH) is produced in higher quantities during sleep and is important for weight loss. This is because growth hormone helps to reduce body fat and maintain lean body mass. It also promotes cell renewal and improves functioning of the immune system.

4. Melatonin production

Melatonin helps improve sleep and increase the benefits of sleep for weight loss by stimulating the neutralization of free radicals and regulating the production of female hormones, helping to prevent the accumulation of fat. 

Also recommended: 6 Benefits of Melatonin (plus How to Take & Side Effects)

5. Stress reduction

Levels of stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, increase with lack of sleep and, when elevated, can interfere with fat burning and the formation of lean body mass. High levels of stress hormones can also raise blood sugar, making it harder to lose weight. 

6. Improved mood

Another way sleep and weight loss are connected is through improved mood. A good night's sleep allows a person to wake up with more energy and can make it easier to follow through with exercise to burn more calories. 

Also recommended: Sleep Calculator: Wake Up Fully Rested and Energized

7. Helping to eat less

When a person spends a lot of time awake, appetite and hunger increase. A good night's sleep helps damper down the urge to eat and control compulsive eating. 

Quality, and not just quantity, of sleep is important to gain the most benefits of sleep for weight loss. Practicing good sleep hygiene is essential. This includes going to sleep at the same time every night, avoiding sleeping during the day instead of at night, maintaining a sleep environment free of light and noise, and avoiding drinking caffeine and other stimulants after 5 pm. Taking a 30 min nap after lunch can also help with mood and nighttime sleep.