Newborns Umbilical Cord Care: How to Clean the Stump (& When It Falls Off) Umbilical cord stump care is essential for reducing the newborn\'s risk for infections and inflammation in the belly button area.
Newborns Mongolian Spot: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Causes & Treatment A Mongolian spot is a congenital spot on the skin that appears in newborns. It typically has a blue, gray or slightly green color is most commonly noted in the lower back or buttocks.
Newborns Cradle Cap: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Cradle cap is a benign skin condition in babies, also known as infant seborrheic dermatitis. It causes symptoms like yellow or white crusts on the baby\'s scalp that are not itchy or painful.
Newborns Newborn Screening: What Does It Test For? Newborn screening (NBS) is a test that can help identify certain serious health conditions in the newborn before symptoms arise.